Residential Portfolios
We can review your property portfolio and claims history and make recommendations on restructuring the insurance placement, provide risk management options that will optimise premium spend and minimise the impact of claims.
Property Development
Construction Shield has significant experience and expertise in the complete lifecycle of property development insurance and risk management, covering:
- Residential & commercial properties
- Renovations
- Right to light
- Non-negligence/contractual liabilities
- Latent defects
- Unoccupied properties
- Property investment portfolio
In addition, looking at the project as a whole, we can also assist with insurance solutions for:
- Existing structure
- Contract Works
- Property owners Liability
- Construction & Party Wall risks
- Project and Employers liability
- Performance bonds
We provide insurance solutions to protect your project from planning, through the development to completion, including the construction and designer professional indemnity and contractors all risk cover, where appropriate.
Legal Indemnities
These policies can be particularly important to property developers and the purchasers, as they protect them and the mortgage lenders, against matters arising from the property title or associated covenants. Construction Shield can help you deal with the sale of the property by sourcing cover for:
- Defective title issues
- Restrictive covenants
- Chancel repair liability
- Defective leases
- Access and services issues
- Contaminated land
- Lack of planning permission or building regulations consent
- Rights of light
Environmental Liability Cover
Designed to provide cover against the potential environmental liabilities affecting either a single site or a portfolio, in respect of clean-up and mitigation costs together with business interruption, third party liability and defence costs.
Mergers and Acquisitions
We advise on insurance products to assist with the closing of real estate transactions, which may include tax liability, litigation, warranty and indemnity insurance.